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How To Bulk Replace Target Path In Shortcuts On Windows

This article covers a simple method to bulk replace target path in shortcuts on Windows. When you create a shortcut on Windows, it saves the path to the original file which is called the target path. Each shortcut has a target path which leads it to the respective file stored in the directory. Clicking the software immediately opens the respective file listed in the target path.

How to Bulk Replace Target Path in Shortcuts on Windows

LiNK Fixer is a free Windows program that you can use to bulk replace target path in shortcuts. With this program, you can select where you shortcuts are saved and then add the previous target path or directory and replace it with the current path or directory. If you just change the drive with the same folder structure, you can just type the drive letters and easily fix all the shortcuts by bulk replacing the target path.

LiNK Fixer is a handy little program that can save you lots of time fixing the shortcuts. It is one of the easiest ways to fix the broken shortcuts when the original file is moved. All you have to do is define the old and new paths and it will replace the target path in all the shortcuts. So, if you use shortcuts in Windows, give this program a try.

Is there a non-programmer-skilled way of updating all the shortcuts in one folder when the other folder changes name? I can open the properties of each shortcut and change the name in the target path, but there are hundreds of shortcuts and that would take too long to tack down all the shortcuts to manually change them.

This script searches the given folder (and sub-folders) for shortcuts that contains a particular string (i.e. "c:\temp\shortcut_target.exe" first it will prompt you to type the string you wish to replace, after which, it prompts for the new string. Finally, it will ask you for the root folder which you would like to begin the search (and replace). If you run in verbose mode, you will be prompted to say 'yes' for each shortcut you'd like to change. After it has finished, it will present you with an HTM of the changes that were made.

Just testing now...hugely useful. The post script auditing is just icing on the cake.We do server migrations and user desktop migrations constantly...and I use a differen method for link repairs as we need to assess things like link icons, link state (maximized or minimized), prior to making the change, and we need to track what was changed and when, and by whom.I am using a much more clunky method of querying all user shortcuts (using shortcut.exe) and stuffing the results into a log file, which is consolidated into a central db file, which is massaged for bad links in bulk. I then use the original file path (\\HOSTNAME\c$\Path\to\File.lnk) to rewrite the corrected link, attributes and all.Have you considered link auditing as a script?Do you have anything you've written or could write that would gather/query remote link information to a DB?I would love to be able to use VB to MS Access or BV to a delimited csv file if you have such a thing as I've yet to find any tool or script that does that in on go. Thank

This script just saved me hours and hours, thankyou so much!I just thought I would quickly also share that I had a problem running it on a windows 7 machine where it would rename anything with a space or a special character to an _So, "/path name/file,name" became "/path_name/file_name"I copied everything over to a win xp machine - worked perfectly!Thanks again :-)

@Dave: For now, please use the VBScript method (added in the article), which updates the target path, arguments, and the Start in directory automatically.Mark OOctober 24, 2020 at 8:40 pmI have discovered just now that the way to do this is by adding into the script the field:

@Josh: For now, please use the VBScript method (added in the article), which updates the target path, arguments, and the Start in directory automatically.NicoOctober 31, 2022 at 8:58 pmHello. I have created a link to thw vbs script in my Send To folder.But when running the script by selecting a link file and choosing sendTo it does not work.VBScript gives an error when runningScript: C:\tmp\script.vbsLine: 20Error: file not foundCode: 800A0035A

Adding desktop shortcuts with group policy is very easy to do. With item level targeting you can get very specific on which users the GPO applies to. Helpdesk likes to use this to add a shortcut to the printer share on all users desktop. This makes it easy for end users to install their own printers.

When you move the files, the relative hyperlink will continue working as long as the relative path to the target workbook remains unchanged. For more information, please see Absolute and relative hyperlinks in Excel.

Edit2I hesitate to perform a bulk operation and rewrite all paths in the .lnk files (as described here: Modify shortcut file (.lnk) target path using Powershell). So I hope there is somebody who faced a similar problem and solved successfully.

Now that we successfully created the Powershell DFS folder in the namespace, add an additional folder target path to it and set that path as Online using New-DfsnFolderTarget. DFS PowerShell scripts allow you to add any number of components.

Shortcuts Search And Replace is a portable application for searching and resolving broken shortcuts. You can search for broken shortcuts by entering a target path or directory. It is similar to Broken Shortcut Fixer, with an additional feature which allows you to search and replace shortcuts from selected target paths.

To scan for broken shortcuts, select a path (e.g. C Drive) and click Search to locate broken shortcuts. Make sure you also click on the sub-directories option from the top toolbar (Folder and Magnifying Glass icon) to get a comprehensive scan of the selected system path.

You can also search and replace shortcuts from specified paths or directories. Select a directory path and add a replacement shortcut. For example, you might be willing to replace the Filezilla shortcut (from a directory) with another applications shortcut. Once the output and replacement paths are selected, click search and replace from the top toolbar.

In the command, replace "PATH\TO\FOLDER" with the actual path to the location. For example, this command navigates the "files" folder inside "Documents": cd C:\Users\USERNAME\Pictures\rename

In the command, replace "PATH\TO\FOLDER" with the actual path to the location. For example, this command navigates the "files" folder inside "Documents": cd C:\Users\USERNAME\Pictures\rename

In the command, replace "PATH\TO\FOLDER" with the actual path to the location. For example, this command navigates the "files" folder inside "Documents": cd C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\files

In the command, replace "PATH\TO\FOLDER" with the actual path to the location. For example, this command navigates the "files" folder inside "Documents": cd C:\Users\USERNAME\Pictures\rename

In the command, replace ".NEW-EXTENSION" with a new file extension. For instance, this command changes any file extension to ".doc": ls Rename-Item -NewName [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, "doc")

We create four payloads to test detection, after creating the payloads, we start importing them one by one to create shortcuts for them. We test detection by using windows defender and others, we can see importing file into the next figure.

Select the Enable different path for Start Menu and Desktop from the Category Options and click OK. When you select this option, the shortcuts and category folder for apps as defined in the application properties server are created. For example, IT Apps, Finance Apps

When conda creates a new environment on windows, the default directory location for the environment looks like this:C:/Users/CMoffitt/AppData/Local/Continuum/miniconda3/envs/work. You can pass this full path to theactivate.bat file and it will launch for you and automatically start with the work environment activated.

For the purposes of this article, I used winshell to access special folders, create shortcuts andread shortcuts. The documentation is straightforward but still uses os.path for filepath manipulations so I decided to update my examples to use pathlib. You can referto my previous post for an intro to pathlib.

Wait-Event -Timeout 15 $shell = New-object -comobject ("") $shortcut = $shell.createshortcut("$envUserStartup\Nexus (acceptance2.0).url") $shortcut.targetpath=" " $

Can you restore the Win 7 Favorites properties in Win 10 that allows you to rename the Network Folder Favorite without renaming the actual folder and retain the actual (as opposed to above where it changes the path)? You could do this in Win 7 and it was a HUGE time saver. Here is a link to doing this but the Registry must be modified so I have not tried. -to-re-add-favorites-to-navigation-pane-of-windows-10-explorer/ 350c69d7ab


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